Social Equity


We are proudly committed to equitable access to psilocybin and other earth medicines, while supporting a living wage for our Staff and fulfilling the many compliance requirements through Oregon Health Authority. Please read below for our Equity Programs and who is eligible.

As in any other service industry – from coaching to travel tours – participating in a group will always be more cost effective than hiring a professional 1:1 for a private experience.

That’s because the majority of cost in any service-based industry such as therapy, coaching, tours or psilocybin facilitation is the time and compensation of the professional you are working with.

Groups are one of the most cost-effective ways to access a macrodose of psilocybin, because the cost of facilitator(s) and other overhead expenses are split between the group.

Our group standard pricing is $800 + $100 20mg baseline dose, totaling $900. Sliding scale discounts of $100, $200 or $300 off are available for those facing varying levels of financial hardship.


incl 20mg dose


sliding scale discounts available

We offer a limited number of 1:1 program slots per month working with one of our Fractal Staff facilitators. Our PHOENIX Equity Program is offered on a sliding scale and includes a 20mg dose of psilocybin.

Equity Programs are open to those with $65K or lower annual household income, and/or who have multiple dependents at that level.

While groups are overall the most affordable access, some clients are not a good fit for group work – including those with significant trauma, grief, or social isolation/anxiety to process. If you fit these criteria, please reach out to talk.


sliding scale, payment plans available

Oregon Health Authority requires every licensed Facilitator, Service Center and Manufacturer to create and maintain a Social Equity Plan.

As such, you may qualify for a Social Equity Plan under one or more of our Partner Facilitators, who offer reduced cost services to a variety of underserved and marginalized demographics.

For any participating Partner Facilitator professional who is granted practice privileges with us, we will match the Facilitator discount on our room reservations up to 50%. This means SEP clients can reserve a private 1:1 room with us for as low as $250. There are no restrictions on demographics served through our Partners’ Equity Plans, but SEP rooms are valid for Tues, Wed and Thursday only.

Additionally, we are honored to offer a free room reservation (up to two per month) to any client with Indigenous American heritage who would like to journey with us.

Our mushroom supplier is disabled veteran owned, and under his Equity Plan we are also able to offer 50-95% reduced cost psilocybin to low income veterans, up to 5 per month. Please inquire for details.

Have you experienced a challenging or overwhelming psilocybin experience elsewhere and wish to further integrate your experience? We offer equitable and professional integration services for users of psychedelic medicine all around the world. Please reach out to us for more info. You don’t have to suffer or make sense of your experience alone.


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