Social Community


Fractal Soul offers a private, social media-like platform that is included as part of all Memberships. This is an opportunity to connect with like-minded others in a high-quality, healing and growth-focused setting. Membership must be approved. The Membership platform will also host a Courses area with growing library of online learning.

We utilize the same technology stack as many other popular online membership communities, such as Jay Shetty, FOUNDR, Boss Babe, and Impact Theory.

Pricing is FREE for all Fractal clients and $57/mo for all other psychedelic self-healers around the world.


Access all the below features along with the full Course Library included with your Membership type, available in our Fractal Soul iOS & Android app – coming Q3 2024.

(The Community is currently available through web browser. The top nav menu will change once you are logged in.)


Fractal Community has dozens of interest groups, some public and some private. Groups have forum/discussion board functionality, as well as the ability to add documents, events and live streams. In the future we may allow members to create their own groups. See our planned Social Groups for launch.


Fractal Community has the ability to create and accept RSVP’s to various events, both virtual and in-person. Some events will be specific to your Membership level (Program) and others will be open to all Fractal Members.


Fractal Community Members can upload avatars, edit profiles and view other members’ profiles. You control privacy of what members can see what information in your profile, similar to Facebook’s visibility settings.


Fractal Community Members have the ability to view, follow and/or friend each other.


Members can share videos, pictures, links, and docs (permissions TBD as we scale) on their profiles and groups with custom privacy settings.


Members can engage with each other’s posts with features including @mentions, pictures, gifs, and more.


Members can send private messages to their Facilitator or Health Coach, another Fractal Community Member, or a group of Members. Enable messages from everyone or friends only.

Users can also Block other members, but we hope it doesn’t get to that – please reach out to your Facilitator ASAP if someone in the Community is bothering you. We take verbal abuse and harassment very seriously with a zero tolerance policy.


The activity feed can feature all site content, specific content types, or even be personalized dynamically with recent posts from friends, people you are following, groups, or forums you are part of, to include just content that is relevant to each member.


Our robust notification system can be configured by members to include @mentions, messages, friend requests, and much more. Choose from notifications only to your Notification area in-app, or to email.


Members can use search to discover public posts, posts by friends, posts from their groups, and find member profiles.


Upload your own language files and translate your app into any language, including support for RTL languages.