Our Name & Logo


Curious to know about the meaning and symbolism behind our business name and logo?
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Have you heard the word ‘fractal’ before?

A fractal is a never-ending pattern – infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop – a type of mathematical shape. Every part of the fractal – regardless of how zoomed in or zoomed out you are – looks very similar to the whole image.

When Fractal mathematics were discovered, mathematicians were astounded to discover a construct that allowed for the mapping of what were previously assumed to be chaotic and random systems. For example, cloud formation can be mathematically mapped with fractals.

When basic geometric forms begin to interact, they naturally morph into fractal formations. Thus, fractals can be seen as a visual representation of the vibration (reality) of energy. Energy, following natural laws, forms fractals. This is why fractals can be seen in things like sound waves and not just on matter.

Once you know what to look for, fractal patterns are extremely familiar – nature is full of them. In fact, nature is constructed by them. It was recently discovered that the human brain is arranged in a folded up fractal pattern, and so is human DNA. Just about every element of the human body can be visually or mathematically identified as fractal in nature. Expounding out from this, networks between humans (ie, relationships and society) follow similar patterns as in nature, such as in the mycelium networks of fungi that architect and influence entire ecosystems.

We do not believe it is a coincidence that fractal patterns are almost overwhelmingly consistent in the visuals while on psychedelic journeys. Though various theories abound on this topic – from the brain revealing its underlying structure, to the universe revealing additional physical dimensions unseen by the normal ‘filtering’ mode of consciousness commanded by the brain’s Default Mode Network – it remains a curious mystery why psychedelic journeys are so consistently defined by the presence of fractal visual patterns.

We chose the name Fractal Soul to honor this underlying nature of reality and its close association with the expanded state of consciousness afforded by psychedelics.

The word ‘Soul’ conveys the deep abiding sense of identity and sacredness that human individuals experience as part of their conscious life. Whatever label we want to call it, whether ‘Soul’ or ‘Consciousness’ or ‘Self’ – it exists as separate and distinct to the physical body, and even from the sort of sentience or intelligence displayed by other forms of life.

We believe that psychedelics help reveal to us the nature of all reality, and that includes the ‘Self’, or Soul, as a part of unending and infinitely complex Nature. In fact, the word ‘psychedelic’ itself is formed from two Greek words: ‘psyche’ meaning mind or soul, and ‘delic’ meaning to manifest. Thus the word psychedelic means mind or soul-manifesting.

We all have Fractal Souls, and this has profound implications for the nature of equality amongst us as well as the shared nature of our destiny.


Our logo has many symbolic elements to it, but let us start with the two interlocking circles arranged vertically. In the business world, a horizontal version of this is commonly called a Venn Diagram, but in ancient and sacred geometry it is known as a Vesica Piscis.

The sphere is the basic building block of all reality – nature, matter, energy, life. As such, it is the foundational element of sacred geometry. The Vesica Piscis can be viewed, then, as the coming together of two spheres to create something new (the almond shape in the middle, called the mandorla). It is the symbolism of life, of duality, of masculinity and femininity.

Interestingly, the Vesica Piscis also contains within it several other geometric ratios, such as the square root of 2, the square root of 3, and the square root of five – also known as ‘golden ratio’. These ratios can be found throughout history in thousands of examples of architecture, art and other human artifacts, as well as found throughout nature from seashells to nebula.

Though myriad examples can be given of where this symbol has appeared and how it has influenced human culture, symbolism and design, the basic tenet of the Vesica Piscis is the central and ultimate ‘oneness’ created by pairs of opposites.

Our vertical orientation of the Vesica Piscis symbol symbolizes the ‘above’ and ‘below’ elements of life and nature. It symbolizes the integration of the ‘Light’ Self and the ‘Shadow’ Self to create a complete and integrated Self. The eye that appears in the middle also symbolizes the fact that full vision is granted at the intersection of these opposites.

The Vesica Piscis represents two of our core tenets, which are that of Balance, and that of Integration. The sun rays protruding above the eye are meant to symbolize both light and air, and the emotions of joy and enlightenment.

The roots emerging from the bottom of the eye, in contrast, are meant to symbolize both earth and darkness as well as things often hidden – emotions of sadness, grief, anger, and jealousy. The roots can be visualized also as the cleansing water of tears.

In this way, the logo is broken into the elements of ‘Above’ – Air and Fire, and the elements of ‘Below’ – Earth and Water, depicting that intuition and ‘Sight’ is the result of them coming together in Balance.

In the most straightforward interpretation, our logo symbolizes the roots of the mycelium networks with their hidden ancient knowledge underground, resulting in a greater ‘opened’ eyesight and enlightenment when humanity interacts with it.

Of course, the Vesica Piscis can be used to symbolize just about any pairing – ie, masculine and feminine coming together to produce new life, or the dual potential states of quantum particles balancing to create Reality – but for the purposes of our business and mission, our logo strongly symbolizes integration, balance, and healing to reveal expanded consciousness and ascension from the subconscious programming loops that have kept us stuck.

Finally, the Celtic knots that are positioned at the left and right of the circle are meant to symbolize our Past and our Future, honoring both but not making them the central theme of our existence. Celtic knots are never-ending and represent the infinite & eternal nature of life. We chose Celtic symbols as an homage to prior ancestral wisdom and connection to earth.